Dear readers, I apologize for not writing for more than a whole month since my last review was in early March but hey, life keeps you busy in many ways.
Beautiful and colorful, this remake truly does justice and brings faith from its iconic source material.
As a humongous Disney fanatic, imagine my undying excitement when I was waiting for this remake of one of the most beloved Disney movies of all time.I also did the watch-the-original-before-the-remake thing.
One of the best casts ever assembled with the likes of Ewan McGregor, Stanley Tucci, Emma Thompson as well as its titular leads.The acting and voice acting is simply excellent.
Visual Effects:
Brilliant (you can clearly see the wolves are digital/CGI but looks stunning nevertheless).
Costume Design:
The costumes are gorgeous. I won’t be surprised if the costume designer gets nominated for an Oscar at the next Academy Awards.
Production Design:
The sets are amazingly beautiful. It is also no surprise if the production designer gets nominated for an Oscar as well.
Musical Numbers:
Truly faithful and magical from the original, especially Be Our Guest.
Predictable yet one can overlook that because you are naturally curious as to what they have done differently from the original.
Most of the dialogue is borrowed from the original with additional new lines. Still entertaining nonetheless.
On an extra note, I don’t understand why people are making a big deal about LeFou being the first Disney character to be openly gay (suppose it is one way to show your children many types of sexuality). I like the fact that Disney is going beyond the child-friendliness for what it is most known for.
People are also making a big deal with remakes of classics (Sure it is a way to make money or ruin the beloved-ness of a classic but that doesn’t mean it could ruin anything, give it a chance and then you decide for yourself).
Overall, a truly must-see for those who like Disney or musicals and a magical Disney experience for hardcore Disney fans and for non-fans, escapism from reality like with any film.
#Disney #gay #magical #faithful