30 December 2017; “Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi” Review

Now it is…Review Time!

Before I begin, I watched the film on December 27th 2017 and I apologize for only doing the review now.

On a fun note, this is the first film I watched at the new Whale Coast Mall Theatre close to Hermanus, which is highly recommended to see.

Emotional, thrilling, and undoubtedly one of the biggest blockbusters of the year, and even cited as the best entry since “The Empire Strikes Back” (1980), “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” does not disappoint.

This 8th outing follows Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) training Rey (Daisy Ridley) with her new abilities, while the rest of the Resistance gang fight against the First Order.


Action Sequences:

Non-stop and like I said thrilling.


A brilliant ensemble cast.


Occasional but funny when the moments happen.

Music Score:

Iconic and never gets old, from one of the greatest film composers ever; Oscar winner John Williams.


All are dynamite.


Positively explosive. I predict that it will get an Oscar nomination at the upcoming ceremony in March 2018.


Stunning. My favorites include the hyperspace travel and of the creatures they show, the beautiful Ice Foxes. It will be no surprise if the film gets an Academy Award nomination in this category.



You get a feeling at how it’s going to end, which will not be spoiled here.

Overall, a must-see for “Star Wars” fans or of the science fiction genre, and easily one of the best films of 2017.

My own picture taken at the cinema.